
Enneagram is an amazingly rich personality profile that enables you to discover more about yourself (and others!) than you thought possible. We rate it as one of the more humanist profiles on the market, and that makes it special for us. We hope it will be for you too!


What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a personality profile that helps people understand themselves better in a number of aspects and situations. It aims to people useful information about themselves; assisting in bringing clarity to the complex and unique people that we all are.

In doing so the report and supporting feedback assists in self-awareness, development, building richer relationships, resolving conflicts and optimising team performance.

The word is derived from The Greek words for nine (ennea) and points/written or drawn (gram). It refers to the nine different Enneagram styles; each one representing a unique world view and archetype which describes a way in which people may think, act or feel.



How do we use it?

We use Enneagram in one-on-one coaching situations to fast-track insight, growth and self-awareness of an individual within a multitude of contexts; their working role, their career, their life generally or even their work team or organisational culture fit.  Because the profile and the feedback gives higher level awareness for people it gives depth and sustainability to the coaching process.

It is a tool which is rich and has a number of layers to explore and reflect upon. The profile allows people to develop themselves over time; with the tool resonating more deeply as circumstances change, situations change or the individual changes.

What are the benefits?

For You

  • Helps you see the under-pinning motivation behind your feelings, thoughts and actions
  • Increased awareness and confidence, that reveal ways to grow
  • A framework for getting to grips with constructive and dysfunctional behaviours
  • Increased compassion for yourself and others
  • Increases in productivity and motivation
  • Gives a language to make sense of yourself at motivational and behavioural levels

For the teams you work in

  • Reduced judgement and criticism of others
  • Improved working relationships and increased productivity
  • Assists in dealing with conflicts and every day interpersonal challenges
  • Eases communication flow and business processes

For the organisation

  • Less politics and ‘game playing’
  • Openness to change and innovation
  • Increased productivity and well-being

Unsure what makes you 'tick'?

Get in touch and we can help you find out