Developing People

Our purpose is to assist in creating a humane economy. Our focus has always been to develop people to be the bedrock of a humane economy and world.  Behaving as a humanist means creating a system and culture that everybody actively wants to be part of and contribute to.

 Being a humanist means…
  • treating all the people you work with as the person they are rather than the role they are
  • leaders creating environments where people feel safe to speak up, be themselves, have a viewpoint and challenge things for the better
  • treating everyone else with respect, kindness, care and understanding, rather than stereotyping, judging, and criticising
  • that leaders become more transparent, treating employees as adults and including them in as many things as humanly possible
  • enabling, empowering, and extending others every day; reskilling and upskilling them for whatever is around the corner and encouraging everyone to think about themselves and others as a futurist would
  • helping team members contribute to the organisation, bringing all their skills, knowledge, and attitude to the game
  • inspecting our own unconscious biases, privilege, and work through gender, race and other ‘-isms’ that permeate our society and organisations

Leading in work 4.0

Leaders today lead in an every-changing, demanding and complex world, and need skills to inspire, develop and guide individuals. We equip them to create cultures that combine the best of futurist, agilist and humanist ways of being.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Creating a culture where all employees feel like they belong is crucial but often challenging for organisations. We work with leaders and employees to embark on a personal transformation journey and to create strategies for increasing diversity, equity and inclusion sustainably. 

Studies have shown that merely employing a diverse worksorce is not enough. To access the potential of diversity in organisations, employees need to really feel like they are included, as well as a sense of belonging


She is Strong – women in leadership

Women’s leadership is a benefit to any organisation but is often undervalued. We work with women to find their own leadership style and make an impact, and with organisations to remove barriers for women to advance into senior leadership roles. 

Building resilience for a volatile world

The human capacity for burden is like bamboo – far more flexible than you’d ever believe at first glance.

Personal mastery

Knowing yourself – your strengths, weaknesses, goals, values – is at the root of success in any role. Personal mastery assists us in navigating the complexities of work 4.0, the integration of personal and professional worlds, and creating meaning and sustained energy at work.


Coaching leaders and professionals

Today all leaders and professionals have to think and act quickly; it is demanding and complex to get right. Coaching can help to pause the action, and bring clarity, focus and direction. 


Personality Profiling

Self-awareness is the bedrock of awareness in any role or situation. We use personality profiles to unearth blind-spots and find a way forward.

Leading in a coaching mode

The complexity, volatility and speed of work 4.0 means leaders cannot hold it all anymore. Leaders making that step of a more enabled and trusted team that can collaborate and innovate, need coaching to unlock the benefits. 

Time to Think™

“The quality of everything people do depends on the quality of the thinking they do first.” Nancy Kline

"Our entry-level students totally enjoy CONTRACT's workshops, Karen and Zandi make it fun and interesting. I often pop into their class to chat and to discuss what they are covering for the day and I find their lessons interesting, so interesting that I am planning to do further courses with Karen on the topics to help me in my position at Big Fish."
"CONTRACT has provided excellent workshops, which have made a significant difference to our students. The material is thought-provoking, the presentations are professional and the facilitators handle the workshops in a manner that shows care and encourages participation. We look forward to a continues relationship with CONTRACT."
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"I highly recommend the CONTRACT trainers as engaging, knowledgeable and high energy facilitators. The workshops they designed and delivered for us were refreshing, fun, and extremely valuable. After every event the participants were raving with positive feedback and practical actions to take away. One said it was the 'best soft skills they'd ever had'."
"We have been thrilled to partner with Contract on a number of forward-thinking programmes. The Contract team are engaged, supportive and collaborative in everything they do, and their approach has made such a difference for us in Mainstream; we look forward to a long and rewarding partnership with them."

Society is changing - are your leaders and people ready to be humanists?

Contact us, we'll help you get there