Talent Development

Attracting and retaining talent is the Holy Grail in business today. We work with you to develop a talent strategy and ways of keeping and developing them that will make your company a magnet for top performers.

A recipe for success?

“Finding good people and keeping them is getting harder!”  We hear this cry of frustration on a weekly basis. In some roles skills are so scarce they are almost impossible to find or and a struggle to keep; often these skills are the ones which are pivotal to business success.

So when a resource is scarce you look after it carefully, right? We know that employees want to know how they are doing, to be given challenging responsibility so they can grow, to be involved in decisions and they want opportunities to progress. We know this from survey after survey so why do we have this ongoing nightmare?

A Systemic Approach

We see Talent Development as a system which must be tackled as a whole; tinkering away at parts of the system will only throw up problems elsewhere. In our approach we guide you in bringing all the strands together so that HR and business leaders have a robust Talent infrastructure in place, and can look after their scarce resources better.

Equipping the HR Team

Whenever we implement Talent Development processes we work with the HR team to equip them so they can implement them after launch. We set them up for success by developing the processes together and  partnering them during initial implementation. This enables HR to fully understand it and the challenges involved.

Engaging Leaders in talent development

Leaders often rely on the system to do the job of looking after their people. We work hard to engage their appreciation that they must do it. Helping them to be more proactive in talent as a business issue and a leadership topic; conversations with their people about goals, careers, development, giving feedback, planning succession, dealing with people issues promptly and getting to know their team members.

Developing a Talent Strategy

We include major HR and business players in our Talent Strategy development processes. This increases business involvement and quality of execution. Our consultants tailor the process to your needs, and add guidance based on their experience and expertise in this field.

We assist organisations in Developing Strategy for their business too.

Above all, we assist you to integrate your strategy into other HR or business systems so everything works seamlessly.

Performance Deveopment Processes

Performance management is broken in many organisations. We can fix it by giving you a simple and effective way to develop the performance of your people. Our performance development processes are tailor-made, always-on and quick to use. Leaders and employees find them a user friendly way of driving performance and skill-building.

Survey & Feedback Tools

Organisations and individuals want to know how they are doing. We create culture or engagement surveys so leaders have a clearer idea of what employees are thinking and feeling. Our consultants also design 360 feedback systems to keep individuals abreast of how others see them.

In addition we build reports that draw out insights from the data to highlight what is really going on. We make recommendations on what steps are required to develop your business.

Talent Development Meetings

Our talent management processes are created from collaborative forums where management teams regularly consider their talent pools. We facilitate meetings that get leaders to discuss, benchmark, and identify critical actions to take with their people.

In these meetings decisions are made about  performance levels, progression, remuneration, ‘flight risks’, development needs and succession challenges. With a full action plan HR specialists and managers are clear on what actions to take.

Developing Capability Meetings

We are pragmatic about competency frameworks; we know if they are too big and difficult to understand they will gather dust. But they are important. They are the foundation that many HR activities rely on; recruitment, performance measurement, development and promotion. So we make them short, targeted and simple to ensure people use them. Less is more; we identify the behaviours and skills that really matter.

Development Centres

We design and facilitate realistic development centres that provide people with a testing experience and feedback that makes a difference. The centres we design mirror the complexity and pace of today’s workplaces, so that even the most sceptical take them seriously. Finally, each individual receives a report, a feedback discussion and coaching on the way forward.

"Since 2016, mothers2mothers (m2m) has engaged with CONTRACT to formulate practical ways of implementing our talent management strategy. They have provided sound advice about creating a platform for managers to discuss their direct reports’ performance, succession plans and talent gaps. We also collaborated with CONTRACT to create our organisation’s leadership philosophy and establish leadership competencies, both of which have supported our tremendous growth over the years. We continue to partner with CONTRACT in creating a workplace in which we thrive and grow."
HR Business Partner
“We have been partnering with CONTRACT for the past few years on many initiatives regarding learning and development. From Executive Coaching on our Leadership Programme, to individual and team Enneagram sessions, as well as Team Strategy Sessons, CONTRACT always tailors their offering to our needs and creates engaging, meaningful workshops. The facilitators are highly experienced, warm, business- and people-savvy and add huge value to the individuals and teams they are working with. We look forward to continuing our partnership with CONTRACT!”
Lyle Cameron
Learning & Development Specialist

Would you like to lead talent more proactively?

Get in touch and we can share our methods