Setting up agile teams

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.

Failure is not fatal, but failure to change probably is

Turbo-charge your teams

In an interconnected global economy, businesses need to excel at adapting to unexpected disruptions. Structures need to be nimble and fast-acting. Where organisations have implemented the following that have found huge benefits; small teams, self-reflection, transparent communication and obsessive customer centricity.

In our experience, when teams define their own rules, self-organise and use agile forms of work they start to flourish. CONTRACT provides intensive guided learning processes that directly apply to daily work.  The process is both iterative and agile, and allows teams to build their own new normal through real practice and agile coaching.

How we set up teams for agile

  • A four month process
  • An on-site iterative programme that builds agile capability in the team
  • Establishing a connection; the agile coach and team get to know each other
  • Clarifying needs; diving into the team’s context, responsibilities and deliverables
  • Setting it up; agreeing a guiding purpose and operational guardrails
  • Coaching the leader; supporting the step into agile leadership
  • Coaching the team; frameworks, roles and rituals, tools and methods
  • The human element; building trust, collaborative behaviours and an agile mindset
  • The importance of customer focus


Benefits and outcomes

  • An established baseline for what agile looks like in a team.
  • Motivation to convert to agile working practices.
  • An agile culture and mindset permeates the team and what they do
  • Open dialogue, transparent communication and collaborative teamwork are established behaviours.
  • Ways to assess performance and create accountability are introduced.
  • A positive and continual improvement climate starts to flourish.
  • Clear roles, processes and systems established that support fast and flexible implementation of deliverables.
  • Understanding of customer first actions and how to identify needs.
  • Thriving team members using agile to navigate complex, uncertain and an ever-changing environments.

Want your team to be more agile?

We can guide you. Get in touch to find out more...